
About Deborah Walder

Deborah Walder has spent most of her adult life working with children from preschool to college and beyond. She believes that we all have an inner child longing to be nurtured. Her lively and creative stories will engage readers young and old. Ice Critters is her first published children's book. Shiny, the story of an unstoppable alewife, is her second published children's book. Joey, the story of a lobster with a hard decision to make, will be out in the spring. Deborah currently resides in Jefferson, Maine. Deborah’s books are dedicated to her children: Jennifer, Lauren, & Matthew; her grandchildren: Anna, Brody, Mathew, & Mikaeli; And to the child that lives inside of every one of you!


Deborah’s Family

Deborah’s Kids: Jennifer, Lauren & Matthew

Deborah’s Kids: Jennifer, Lauren & Matthew

Jennifer with her kids, Mikaeli & Mathew

Jennifer with her kids, Mikaeli & Mathew

Lauren with her kids, Anna & Brody

Lauren with her kids, Anna & Brody